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Links for better writing, better computing,
and better living:

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The best kids in the world need forever families
- www.adoptuskids.org
The best audio Bible reading (link to download the podcast from iTunes from MJTI's site) online. Scroll down to the blog posts and look for Rabbi David Rudolph's daily submission.
- www.mjti.com
The best book in an easy-to-use clickable interface for a variety of search methods, study, or comparison of versions.
- www.bible.com
The best book with proper names of YHWH and Yahushuah in place in an easy-to-use clickable interface for search by scripture reference with Hebrew book titles next to contemporary names.
- www.eliyah.com/thescriptures/
An excellent resource for learning why YHWH and Yahushuah (as opposed to contemporary versions of The Name (Ha Shem) are important to believers.
- www.eliyah.com/
Ohev Yisrael, our congregational home in Lorton, VA.
- www.ohevyisrael.org/
My new neighbor, Richard Gamble's anthology regarding education.  This is a must-read for anyone interested in recovering from the socialism and collective thought that pervades our education and governing communities.  - The Great Tradition
Our little bit of paradise on a hilltop in Maine. Click through for a slideshow of what you're missing. Now rented to a delightful family.  (You may need to download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this .pdf document.) - Providence Lodge

The best Navy in the world
- www.navy.mil

A bit on Going Gluten Free I put together for a friend.
- Going Gluten Free

The best "Hire-a-Sailor" program going. If you need a great career-minded techie near Hillsdale, MI, give a look!
- David's NEW!!! Professional Site

The best vanity page ever
- www.hambleton.info

The best investment information in a nutshell
- www.mfea.com

A 70mph Dismount
- Dismount at 70MPH

The best browser, security, and OS info available
- www.langa.com
The Rich Text Format parts list for the best sport touring bike in the world
- BMW R1100-R1150 Parts List (RTF)

The MS Excel Spreadsheet parts list for the best sport touring bike in the world. (Hosting for a club.)

- BMW R1100-R1150 Parts List (Excel)

Required reading - no matter which side of the aisle you're from. Even if you have to hold your nose to get past the title, please give it an honest read.  (Click HERE to buy it)